Paintings by Karl Priebe and Charles Sebree.  Milwaukee: Layton Art Gallery, 1942.

“Reviews and Previews.”  Art News, 15 January 1943, 22.

Karl Priebe: Recent Paintings.  New York: Perls Galleries, 1944.

“Review and Previews.”  Art News, 15 September 1944, 22.

“Collector’s Corner.”  Art News.  15 October 1944, 32.

Karl Priebe.  Westwood Hills, AZ: James Vigeveno Galleries, 1946.

Karl Priebe: Recent Paintings.  New York: Perls Galleries, 1946.

Karl Priebe: Recent Paintings.  New York: Perls Galleries, 1948.

“Review and Previews.”   Art News, January 1948, 41.

“Priebe: Birds of Wisconsin.”  New York: Perls Galleries, 1949.

“Review and Previews.”  Art News, October 1949, 47.

“Karl Priebe: Young Midwest Artist Lives and Paints in an Odd World of Fantasy”  Life, 24 November, 1947, 68.

“Karl Priebe is Dead.”  Manitowoc Herald-Times, 7 July 1976, 26.

Karl Priebe: A Look at African Americans.  Milwaukee: The Haggerty Museum of Art, [1990].

James V.Hatch.  Sorrow Is the Only Faithful One: The Life of Owen Dodson. Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1993.

Hilton Als.  “The Birds.”  Grand Street, number 55, Winter 1996, 140.

William Jeffett, et al.  Surrealism in America During the 1930s and 1940s.  St. Petersburg, Florida, 1998.

Surreal Wisconsin: Surrealism and Its Legacy in Wisconsin Art.  Madison, WI: Madison Art Center, [1998].

Robert Cozzolino.  Dudley Huppler: Drawings.  Madison, Wisconsin, Elvehjem Museum of Art, 2002.

Hannah Heidi Levy.  Famous Wisconsin Artists and Architects.  Middleton, Wisconsin, 2004.

Robert Cozzolino.  With Friends: Six Magic Realists, 1940-1965.  Madison, Wisconsin: Elvehjem Museum of Art, 2005.

Karl Priebe: A Look at African Americans.  Milwaukee: The Haggerty Museum of Art, [1990].

Surreal Wisconsin: Surrealism and Its Legacy in Wisconsin Art.  Madison, WI: Madison Art Center, [1998].

Donna Seaman. Identity Unknown: Rediscovering Seven American Women Artists. New York: Bloomsbury USA, 2017.